There’s a new community space coming to Astoria!

As a neighborhood, Astoria is one of the few places left in New York City that really focuses on the idea of community and community building. It’s one of the reasons we love to live here – there’s a genuine sense of camaraderie. Lately, we’ve been seeing more and more community spaces popping up, and we’re all for it.


Currently in the works is a project called The Well.  The Well, located in the heart of the beautiful, mural encased Welling Court, aims to be both a community space and library. The idea of a community space is based off the notion that in order for a community to thrive, there needs to be mutual respects, and that it is necessary for the entire community to participate.  To achieve community participation, The Well was born, and it took a turn towards being a library as well.

The Well features donated books of 60’s artists and poets Tuli Kupferberg, and is still continually growing. There are plans for events to be held at The Well, such as performances, work shops and talks.


The space is currently being put together – and it is completely volunteer based. The Well should be opening its doors sometime this summer.
