Coming Soon to Astoria!

Astoria is in a constant state of flux – a constant state of out with the old, and in with the new. We’ve noticed there’s lots of news places opening their doors soon, so we took a walk (in yesterday’s horrible rain!)  and snapped some pictures!

Piatsa Souvlaki, 36-02 30th ave

Piatsa Souvlaki, 36-02 30th ave


Mokja, Korean Restaurant, 35-19 Broadway

Mokja, Korean Restaurant, 35-19 Broadway


PS: Post Scriptum Pizza, 32-02 Broadway

PS: Post Scriptum Pizza, 32-02 Broadway


Uncle George's, 33-19 Broadway. No word yet on what it'll be!

Uncle George’s, 33-19 Broadway. The old sign hasn’t been taken down yet… no word yet on what it’ll be!


Jujube Tree Asian Vegan Cuisine, 35-02 30th Ave, in the old Chicken Shack space

Jujube Tree Asian Vegan Cuisine, 35-02 30th Ave, in the old Chicken Shack space


37-04 30th ave, a new cold brewed coffee cafe from the owners of MexiBBQ will take up residence here

37-04 30th ave, a new cold brewed coffee cafe from the owners of MexiBBQ will take up residence here

Those are our shots! Have you seen anything new coming to Astoria? Are you extra interested in any of these? Let us know!