Growing Up Astoria

Queens Astoria 30th Avenue and Steinway Street (1960s) -Duke University Collection.jpg

There’s no question about it, Astoria is ever changing, and with the influx of the new generations comes parallel their innovative take on food, culture and of course, real estate. It is quite easy to get lost in the hookah lounges, craft beer bars and gourmet pizza restaurants, but it is not that far in the distant past that our bustling little Astoria was quaint and classic “Main Street” Americana.

If you were to ask anyone that has lived in Astoria for more than twenty years, they will surely tell you that the times have changed, some would agree and accept the change and others, not so much. But, regardless of our personal view on old or new Astoria, we cannot help but agree that we would not alter the direction in which it is headed.

Take a trip with us as we reflect and pay homage to the sights of Astoria past with fantastic photo's care of our friends at Astoria Queens Forever